The Essex has been created as a tribute to the idea that beautiful piano styles and finishes should be possible in every price range.
In addition to traditional styles and finishes, the Steinway–designed Essex features beautiful, traditional furniture styles and finishes at a truly exceptional price and value.
When you purchase an Essex, you may trade in the instrument within ten years of the date of purchase to receive 100% of the original purchase price in trade toward a new Steinway grand.
The Essex incorporates Steinway & Sons’ latest design specifications and engineering standards, as well as the Steinway commitment to excellence.
作為入門級鋼琴,Essex鋼琴由史坦威精心設計,全球製作,並採納史坦威最新的設計規格和工程標準,恪守史坦威160 多年來致力於追求卓越的精藝承諾,每一款Essex鋼琴出廠前都要經過史坦威公司經驗豐富的技師團隊的嚴格檢驗。
Essex鋼琴由史坦威公司與著名家具設計大師威廉·法布爾 (William Faber) 聯手打造,在各個不同的價格範圍內都可以獲得美麗典雅的鋼琴風格和飾面。這款鋼琴秉承優雅傳統之風,裝飾優美,必將為您的家居環境增添一道亮麗的風景線。現有各種型號、尺寸和飾面可供選擇,可滿足各種裝飾空間和生活方式的要求。 Essex鋼琴結合了來自史坦威公司研發團隊的最新設計和先進工藝。通過利用特種材料、規模生產技術以及精心挑選的生產環境,這款鋼琴擁有同價位無法超越的音樂表現力。